NFT Sale

Limited sale of 500 NFTs that enable participation in YieldFlow’s earnings and exclusive access to higher APY products. 

500 NFTs are sold

at $5000 each.

YieldFlow is emitting 500 exclusive NFTs that enable holders to get the following benefits:

  • 20% share of YieldFlow’s total fee earnings
  • auto reinvest function for compound interest

For holders of 5 NFTs or more

Exclusive access

exclusive access to exotic V3 pools with higher APYs

Early access

early access to new products in the future

What are YieldFlow-NFTs?

Non fungible tokens that allow holders to participate in the platforms earnings and exclusive access to higher yield products.

How do I get an NFT?

  1. Simply navigate to
  2. Connect your wallet 
  3. Click on “mint NFT”

Are YieldFlow-NFTs limited?

Yes, the total amount is limited to 500 exclusive NFTs. 

Can I buy multiple NFTs?

Yes and the more NFTs a users hold, the greater the share of the earnings from the platform. 

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